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Join Chemistry Australia and add your voice to drivee real change for your industry, business and customers. Be part of Australia's dedicated network and resource hub for Australia's chemistry industry. To enquire about membership of Chemistry Australia, please contact: .

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The one-stop for the latest industry intelligence on policy and redulation developments, submissions and consultations. Find exclusive member regulation resource packages, technology opportunities, events and networking to support your business development and growth.

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Economic contribution

Snapshot of Australia’s business of chemistry:

Supplies 108 of Australia's 114 Industries

The Australian chemistry industry is strategically significant because of its supply chain centrality. It is a critical enabler of almost every value chain in Australia, a key employer of Australia’s valuable STEM capability and a driver of innovation through advanced manufacturing.

Two thirds of outputs are inputs to other sectors

The industry creates the essential inputs that underpin a wide range of industry sectors, including the areas of competitive strength and strategic priority for Australia, such as food and agriculture; water and water reticulation; advanced manufacturing, medical technologies and pharmaceuticals; and mining equipment, technology and services.

3rd largest manufacturing sector

The industry is focussed on strategies for sustainable growth, and is playing an important role in Australia’s transition to smarter, value adding, advanced manufacturing. The business of chemistry also develops new materials and processes to help other manufacturing sectors to innovate and grow, for example new technologies in 3D printing and flow chemistry. 

delivers $38bn to Australia's GDP

The business of chemistry contributes significantly to the Australian economy and to our way of life. The industry adds value to the nation’s natural resources, and passes this investment on through Australia’s value chains to further multiply the benefits for the Australian economy, society and environment.

5500 small, medium and large business nationally

From small family-owned companies to leading national and multinational enterprises, the businesses of chemistry include manufacturers, importers and distributors, raw material suppliers, fabricators, compounders and recyclers. Chemistry Australia’s membership extends through the entire value chain including logistics and supply chain partners, research, academia and service providers to the industry.

employs more than 60,000 in highly skilled jobs

The business of chemistry is a leading employer of Australia’s valuable STEM capability. The Office of the Chief Scientist notes that 75 per cent of the fastest growing occupations globally now require STEM skills and knowledge1. The business of chemistry is a vital part of this STEM ecosystem, providing high quality employment options for Australia’s talented university graduates and research capability.

1:  Office of the Chief Scientist of Australia, Canberra, p.7.

The industry underpins 212,000 jobs in related suply chains

Providing two-thirds of its output as inputs to other industries, the Australian chemistry industry transfers investment and growth through supply chains, with an important multiplier effect for jobs. This demonstrates the strategic importance of industry that adds to Australia’s economic complexity, and builds a diverse and more resilient economy.


Chemistry Australia has developed an animation to highlight the critical role of chemistry in our everyday lives.

Thanks to the products of chemistry, we enjoy a high standard of living with access to world-class healthcare, clean drinking water, ample fresh food, and the means to keep our food fresher for longer.  Learn how Australian chemistry contributes to our quality of life every day:

Total contribution

In 2017-18, the Australian chemistry industry supported up to 211,821 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs. To put this another way, for every $1 million of revenue received by the industry, there are up to four full time equivalent jobs supported elsewhere in the Australian economy.

 Australia overview

Source: Acil Allen - Estimated economic contribution of the total chemical industry to Australia, 2017-18

Become a member of Chemistry Australia

Membership of Chemistry Australia signals your commitment to the industry and ensures your organisation can play an active role in shaping the future for Australia’s chemistry sector.
By working together, we can have a stronger voice to prosecute the key challenges facing our industry and advance chemistry as a critical enabler of a safer, more sustainable future for Australia and the broader community.

Chemistry Australia Chair, Karen Dobson

  • Effective and more influential industry advocacy to complement your business’ strategic objectives
  • Opportunities to influence the industry’s position on key policy and regulatory matters
  • Timely industry intelligence, analysis, and services to help inform your business decisions
  • Tailored tools and resources to save your organisation time, effort and money

We offer membership packages tailored to best meet the needs of businesses in, and associated with, the Australian chemistry industry:
Corporate membership for businesses that manufacture chemical products, import, store, handle and/or distribute chemical and plastic products, convert plastics, or are involved in research, technology and education.
Affiliate membership for organisations that represent a sector of the industry in Australia and internationally.
Partner membership for organisations that provide services, equipment and professional development to the industry.
Associate membership for SMEs and organisations in the chemistry industry value chain. 
Personal membership for professionals in the Australian chemistry industry.

All membership enquiries are welcome.
Please contact Chemistry Australia on 03 9611 5400 or email .
We look forward to working with you.