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Join Chemistry Australia and add your voice to drivee real change for your industry, business and customers. Be part of Australia's dedicated network and resource hub for Australia's chemistry industry. To enquire about membership of Chemistry Australia, please contact: .

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The one-stop for the latest industry intelligence on policy and redulation developments, submissions and consultations. Find exclusive member regulation resource packages, technology opportunities, events and networking to support your business development and growth.

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Peter Bury

  • Director Circular Economy and Future Industries
  • Company Secretary

Peter joined the Association in 2001.  As Director Circular Economy and Future Industries, Peter is responsible for supporting industry growth, diversity and competitiveness through strategy, policy and his role as Secretariat lead for the Plastics Council.

He provides specialist policy and technical advice for, and on, the chemistry industry, plastics and emerging industries.  As the Chemistry Australia Company Secretary, he provides advice to the Board and CEO on strategy, governance, risk and industry development.

Peter represents Chemistry Australia members on the Australian Academy of Science National Committee for Chemistry, the Green Chemical Futures Board, the Victorian Centre for Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing Board, the Chemical and Plastics Manufacturing Innovation Network Board and the Global Plastics and Environment network.  Peter is also a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Peter has a diverse background with more than 37 years experience in the automotive, materials handling, industrial and agricultural film, association management and emergency services sectors. During this time his responsibilities have included: manufacturing engineering; marketing and sales; plant management; environment, health and safety, research and development, recycling, national issues management and strategic development.  In addition to his industry work, Peter is an officer and operational firefighter with the Country Fire Authority.

Become a member of Chemistry Australia

Membership of Chemistry Australia signals your commitment to the industry and ensures your organisation can play an active role in shaping the future for Australia’s chemistry sector.
By working together, we can have a stronger voice to prosecute the key challenges facing our industry and advance chemistry as a critical enabler of a safer, more sustainable future for Australia and the broader community.

Chemistry Australia Chair, Karen Dobson

  • Effective and more influential industry advocacy to complement your business’ strategic objectives
  • Opportunities to influence the industry’s position on key policy and regulatory matters
  • Timely industry intelligence, analysis, and services to help inform your business decisions
  • Tailored tools and resources to save your organisation time, effort and money

We offer membership packages tailored to best meet the needs of businesses in, and associated with, the Australian chemistry industry:
Corporate membership for businesses that manufacture chemical products, import, store, handle and/or distribute chemical and plastic products, convert plastics, or are involved in research, technology and education.
Affiliate membership for organisations that represent a sector of the industry in Australia and internationally.
Partner membership for organisations that provide services, equipment and professional development to the industry.
Associate membership for SMEs and organisations in the chemistry industry value chain. 
Personal membership for professionals in the Australian chemistry industry.

All membership enquiries are welcome.
Please contact Chemistry Australia on 03 9611 5400 or email .
We look forward to working with you.